Lost Love

When love has come
But soon is gone
It begs the question
Was it there
The love was lost
And never found
Lost without you
Lost without me
Lost into internity
The love was just a figment
A figment of our minds
Something we could ponder
But never express
Was it love or just a feeling
Was it love or just a heeling
Healing from the hatred
The hatred of our hearts
Our past was deep and full of pain
We needed this to release the stain
For this I do not regret
penned by, Bro. Amir

They started off way back during the 2k's
Increasing their sizes to a whooping 60 during '03
Another group added on to the population during the '06
Inspite of the time differences, they manages to get on well with each other:
Trying to be one body and standing United:
helping each other in needs
Co-operating for a better solutions and decisions for anything...
They had vowed never to part with each other come what may!
the mountain may collapse: the tide may be high:
The wind may be strong: the wave's fierceful:
The sky may strikes thunder:
But they will never be apart:
Coz they're one body with different souls:
Frenship mean alot to them;
That's what they live it up for;
'THEY' are none other than the TSUNAMIANS
Hail tsunamians; hail to each and every one of us;
~ Esther.K.swantah aka Bren
Take Easy

life is fast
The past is vast
The present is nothing
But the future is something
That can give us everything
If your past was bad
forget about that,The
Future is here,there is nothing to worry
If your past was good,
Take inspiration
To make the future better
One day the future will be better
One day the future will be present
and success will be yours
~ Anonymous

sitting till late at night, chatting all the way!
Unaware of the time that goes by, waiting for none
enjoyin each new day with a special flavour of fun and excitement;
pretending to be the most loved ones and praised by all,
Attending the classes, fancying a dreamland......
studying for the exams at the last moment;
Participating in an event, proud of being a part of a team;
making an excuse; an amateur in doing so.
telling a white lie; an expert in the field!
having a fun filled moments with close friends...
kiddish in nature and behavior, loving the way!
making a group; ruling the world!
lots of innovative and funny ideas..
practising it and implementing it...
having all the fun and enjoyment ever in life....
wow!! that was our days during high school..
never thought we are gonna part with dear friends..
the world is ours and we are dominating it
our words is what we only believe..
a day passed like a second...
making us more enthusiastic and fun loving
cracking all those funny jokes and playing pranks
walking with head looking up the skies....
dare to whoever mess with us..hehehe...
the best days of our life...
each and every moments worth cherishin....
highschool was the best moments of our life!!
~ Esther.K.swantah aka Bren.

"Promise Never To Untie"
The tender words are spoken
Each body and soul bared
Told secrets over endless days
Often doing more than dared
New world beyond my door
With intrigued and intensity
Now we have shared our hearts
A bond now made it permanently
Facing our days made easier
Despite any type of weather
Each other's heart felt deeply
Both happy we stuck together
It took us little time and effort
The bonding as strong as glue
I now promise never to untie
The strings I have tied with you
The understanding of each other
Breaths to take, we breathe the air
As the relationship interchanges
Knowing our loving hearts are there
Now we are never left on the outside
Lovingly enter each others domain
Smiling. laughing and forever teasing
But forever friends we then became !
penned by: Funky aka vikram

By: Paulian aka Pl/Indigo
The terry wind blowing breezely;
The sun sets timidly in the west
The sky is dark and blurry;
i was there, sittin alone;
Watchin the sun sets by;
Feelin the breezy wind that blows upon me
This thoughts came into my mind;
Making me feel amused and hearty;
I was thinkin and recalling the past
The past, times spend with close frens;
Enjoying each moments filled with fun,
making me feel nostalgic n smile;
Now, I began to feel the reality,
I realised my frens were nomore with me;
Repeating dos unforgetable moments seems difficult,
But, yes, they are always close to my heart;
Frenship isnt forgeting each other when apart;
But, rememberin each other close to us,
Giving them a special place in our heart;
It is a wealthe treasured forever.