
#southern command C-in-C Mr.Hitler kuki in his notificatio0n announces that whether organishing get together cum friendly match during X-mas holiday will be in the interest of larger fellow Tsunamians.
TTS subscriber reach 45
#Our Tsunamians Times reach 45 subscribers and remaining 25+ tsunamians were unreachable and unsubscribe as well
#Ms.Hatneiting has successfully through her CBSE-PMT,She also comes 108th ranks(AIR) in AIEEE,besides Military Nursing and B.SC in Agricultural research entrance........
# bro.Thangminlien also successfully cracked AIEEE,.....Heatiest Congrats.
s ago
5 month completed

TsunamiansTymes successfully completed 5 month, if u want to look all the previous circulation,go to then type tsunamiantymes on the group search .......
Going Fashion

Bro.Swas successfully clear his NIFT(national Institude of Fashion Technology),He choose to do the course in Bangalore.....congratulation

Bro.thangminlien proved the theory of try....again,this year he successfully through his AIEEE which got him sit in Chemical Engg.course in one of reputed Kerala govt.engg.inst.You DiD IT MaN!congrats

Sis.Roslin and Nuaj fly down to Delhi

Kang has bought a new PC according to report,Hope Tsunamians are comming up with more PC...NEW PIN
Homie Rothan Gangte fly down to Bangalore from Delhi to experience the cool atmosphere of Bangalore, away from the heat of Delhi.